
  • katetween posted an update 5 years, 1 month ago

    Urban dwellers with no yards have to live close to a dog park so the dogs can socialize with other dogs and the owners can meet like minded people. Urban dwellers especially use their dogs to meet their neighbors. Dogs are part of the community. Their dog plays with other dog and make friends too. While the dogs play together, the owners talk and get to know one another.If you want to be sure that you’ll always know where is your dof, you can use gps trackers for dogs that have a lot of different fucntions.

    Why and when did attitudes change toward dogs? Dogs are man’s best friends and that has always been the claim, but it was believed that dog’s have limited usefulness. It has recently been discovered that dogs are great instruments that can be used for getting out to meet people and force the owner to walk or run daily. The dog and the owner both end up living a healthier lifestyle. The owner and the dog look better, eat better and hopefully live longer.

    Dogs today are used as part of our social networking fiber. Your dog is an extension of you, and he must be socialized to interact with people as well as with other dogs.

    Before becoming a dog owner you need to consider if you can properly take care of him. Make sure that:

    The dog eats properly,
    Gets plenty of exercise,
    Sees the vet yearly,
    and is well behaved.

    Owning a dog will help you meet many new people and your dog will let you know what unconditional love feels like.