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    @Psycho30 68301 wrote:

    As you can see above I dont drive a Ferrari or Old School Hot Rod but its not a junker parking in the lot by any means either. But yet my car along with my fellow enthusiasts that love modern “middle class” performance are getting the boot or having to fight to be there. That’s why im taking it personally. Even if I get in guess what? All the people I talk too, relate too and have things in common with are not being allowed in anymore and being told to go to the spectator side. In the past all the modern performance crowd stuck together, parked together and honestly rarely had to walk far or even cared to go droll over the new exotic that rolled in. If I wanted to see a stock exotic there’s dealerships and automotive shows for that. We were there to “Meet” with each other and talk cars, check out each others mods and have a good time. I don’t go to the show to spectate, I go because I want to attend a car meet and talk to people about the cars I love. If 50 of us are in the spectator lot how exactly am I supposed to strike a conversation about the car they drive walking around? Are you seriously telling me I should go up to ever single person and ask them what they drive and hope they drive the same style of car as me? If I wanted to do that I could go to a bar or heck Walmart for that matter. So yes again me not getting in the main gate or my other enthusiasts not being able to get in does keep me from attending because “I’m not a spectator” I go to the “meet” to “meet” like minded individuals and not stare at droves of cars I could care less about. That’s why there’s a spectator lot (People that don’t drive show/race cars or car to talk hours on end about cars they just want to look and not touch) and the show lot for people like me and many others. Which I think is one of the main issues, us middle class guys usually do our own work to our cars and are generally the most customized cars there by far when it comes to the majority. So we will point, stare, take pictures, ask questions, get instructions, joke and generally discuss cars hours on end with other individuals like us. Again thats what a car meet is about. A car show is what your expecting this to turn into. Park in the spectator lot and look at the pretty cars and go home. Sorry again that’s not what cars and coffee is about and why a huge huge majority of us are taking it personally and so much bad blood is being spilled. The person that goes to look will not have an issue with the change up. The person that wakes up at 6am to get into the main lot so they can park next to there buddies in arms will have an issue with it. Which honestly is how it should be approached. Look in the mirror and ask yourself are you a “Spectator” or a “Car Enthusiasts”. Yes you may drive a Ferrari or any other car for that matter, but did you just buy it because you could and you thought it was a great car or do you go the extra mile, talk to others about your car, mod your car, like helping others with there car and so on. Im sorry but honestly parking your high end car in the show side and walking around for hours not talking to anyone makes you a spectator. You could of easily taken your car to the spectator side and given someone a spot that loves everything about car culture and loves to talk to other individuals. Also it was a general statement not directed at your personally because I dont know your cars for coffee habits. But I do know there’s a lot of people that just park there car and walks off for hours and that’s where the registration part comes in right. If we need you to move your car because we cant find you. If you go to the middle class side of the house and ask hey who owns this car I bet you get a whole lotta people saying heres over there or let me call him. Thats the difference…………



    @William48 67328 wrote:

    If you own an expensive exotic car, you don’t want to be forced to park next to a Mazda 3 or an unwashed V6 Mustang due to them possibly dinging your door or not having insurance. You get my point.

    I have a Speed3 and it’s insured. After your bull**** ass comment, it would be worth a claim to ding the **** out of your car.


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