There was a drive today (January 1st, 2008) I think it was the 5th year they’ve done this so far, but my first. Quite a few cars showed up. They drove from Costa Mesa down PCH, laguna canyon, up through irvine and then continued on into Yorbalinda. I did the drive on PCH and Laguna Canyon and then head home, but I was able to get some pictures on the drive and though I’d share with everyone.
Ya No problem, there having another drive, called the Mid-Year canyon drive or something, I’ll have to look on the paper and get the date for you though, I haven’t been to that one but will probably end up going. I should’ve taken the Grand Sport or porsche speedster with my dad today though >.<
If anyone on this board attended the full drive, how many showed up at In-n-Out? I’m thinking only about 50% or less probably showed up and most people slowly dropped off during the drive, but I”m just curious as how it ended.
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