Some perspective on Cars and Coffee

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    I agree with BMF, if this is there idea of a good thing I think they will destroy the point of getting together.

    I for one will not be comming down to see this type of gathering, I really like seeing all types of rides both old and new.



    Going to be a very small showing if they only allow “pre” 1978 cars.


    I hope that it’s not true. It will be a darn shame. It was like a family. All different. But all united. hellosmile:(:nonod::cursing:


    The point of this is to see peoples cars saying there is alot og bmw’s or mazda or anything is pointless cause everytime you go you see like 5 of the same lambos or ferraris

    Chief;14777 wrote:
    No one will go just to see pre 1978 cars for ever itll be the same people over and over again and only older people apreciate the cars like that

    There will be people that will go. I enjoy seeing those cars every now and then, but the reason I stopped going to CnC for a while was because it was the same stuff week after week.


    What C&C is to me in this order:

    -The drive to C&Cdrivesmile
    -The peoplecheers!
    -The Carsthumbup

    I only go to C&C once in a blue moon, and I have always enjoyed myself every time. No were on earth will you find such a special gathering. The hot roders, tuners, stockers, etc all come to hang and mingle. I proudly display my C&C window decal to show my love. That has not been the case for me lately, there has been just too much drama. Perhaps C&C Irvine is a victim of it’s own fame? I’m probably stay away for awhile:(….let the dust settle.

    Thanks for all the memories C&C Irvine hellosmile


    What a lot of you fail to realize is that John and Freeman are the show organizers. Jason, the burger joint analogy works because Freeman and John offered to let the Crystal Cove people meet at their lot on Saturdays when we got kicked out of Crystal Cove. They wanted those showgoers to have a new place to meet. We met and discussed many options around OC and nothing even came close. This new show that is going to start at the OC Fairgrounds might be a better venue for the newer attendees looking for a free place to meet. This isn’t a show, it’s a gathering of car people who were orphaned by the Irvine Company. I think Brent and Josh will tell you that it doesn’t have anything to do with this being a Ford event, it has to do with the fact that they know that this location meets all of the needs for the show to continue. If we had found another private lot that didn’t have landlord issues or residential issues and didn’t have businesses that might complain about customers being turned away by too many showgoers clogging the lot, we would have gone there instead. It doesn’t have anything to do with the old guys not wanting to get up early and fight for a spot, it is their spot to begin with and the show isn’t supposed to open until 6:30. That is when the VOLUNTEERS who allow us into their company’s lot get there and start watching out for everyone’s safety and to make sure everyone is having a good time. Suggesting that people get there earlier and earlier to get a spot is not a good idea. Imagine a private pool that has open swim for friends starting at 7 am. You’re suggesting people should just show up at 6 and hop the fence. That is disrespectful and dangerous. Nobody is there to mind the pool and if something happened to anyone before the pool was officially opened, it would still be the host’s responsibility. This isn’t a public parking lot at the Spectrum where anyone can drive up and park. It is a private lot that we have been invited to. Again, if rules are scaring people away and you think it is wrong to be so selective, you don’t really understand what this meet is all about and probably should look into starting your own show. Once again, the idea isn’t to police individual cars coming into the lot, it’s about groups who think this is just an open show and decide to show up in large numbers. That isn’t what John and Freeman want for their show and neither do many of the people who have been attending this show for the past 7 years.

    4 cam V8: You might feel like the young people are the future of Cars and Coffee, and you are probably right, but here is the key difference: The future Cars and Coffee will be held somewhere else with those younger owners bringing their tuner cars and late-model budget flyers to a show that they provide the land and organization for. The show at PAG will continue to be what John and Freeman want it to be. The pre-’78 rule they put in place might seem like a bad idea to you and it will certainly make some late-model supercar owners upset too, but it is their show and they can invite whoever they want to into it. My guess is that there will still be an incredible showing every Saturday morning.


    @Max 14768 wrote:

    Maybe not

    This just appeared in my In-Box

    Trust me, if this whole “pre-1978 Only” rule actually begins to apply…. Good luck finding spectators. We live in 2009, the majority of spectators do not want to see that


    i’m glad we won’t be seeing any of the mustangs, evos, sti’s, etc. at C&C..but i’m upset with the fact that the organizers won’t be letting supercars enter the show..i recently talked to jim glickenhaus, owner of the incredible ferrari p 4/5, and he said he’d love to bring it to cnc sometime if he is headed towards socal..let’s just say, for an example, he shows up next weekend..are you going to ask him to go to the spectator lot because it comes from an age of newer technology? i love classic cars..don’t get me wrong..i love ’em..the 250 gto is my favorite car of all time..i just hope that the really special exotic cars will still be allowed in..does this new format for c&c also mean that there will not be my favorite day of the year, lambo day?? you’ve gotta be kidding better not be replaced with triumph/austin healey/nash day..or that’ll just be sad…

    frank4cars;14785 wrote:
    What a lot of you fail to realize is that John and Freeman are the show organizers. Jason, the burger joint analogy works because Freeman and John offered to let the Crystal Cove people meet at their lot on Saturdays when we got kicked out of Crystal Cove. They wanted those showgoers to have a new place to meet. We met and discussed many options around OC and nothing even came close. This new show that is going to start at the OC Fairgrounds might be a better venue for the newer attendees looking for a free place to meet. This isn’t a show, it’s a gathering of car people who were orphaned by the Irvine Company. I think Brent and Josh will tell you that it doesn’t have anything to do with this being a Ford event, it has to do with the fact that they know that this location meets all of the needs for the show to continue. If we had found another private lot that didn’t have landlord issues or residential issues and didn’t have businesses that might complain about customers being turned away by too many showgoers clogging the lot, we would have gone there instead. It doesn’t have anything to do with the old guys not wanting to get up early and fight for a spot, it is their spot to begin with and the show isn’t supposed to open until 6:30. That is when the VOLUNTEERS who allow us into their company’s lot get there and start watching out for everyone’s safety and to make sure everyone is having a good time. Suggesting that people get there earlier and earlier to get a spot is not a good idea. Imagine a private pool that has open swim for friends starting at 7 am. You’re suggesting people should just show up at 6 and hop the fence. That is disrespectful and dangerous. Nobody is there to mind the pool and if something happened to anyone before the pool was officially opened, it would still be the host’s responsibility. This isn’t a public parking lot at the Spectrum where anyone can drive up and park. It is a private lot that we have been invited to. Again, if rules are scaring people away and you think it is wrong to be so selective, you don’t really understand what this meet is all about and probably should look into starting your own show. Once again, the idea isn’t to police individual cars coming into the lot, it’s about groups who think this is just an open show and decide to show up in large numbers. That isn’t what John and Freeman want for their show and neither do many of the people who have been attending this show for the past 7 years.

    4 cam V8: You might feel like the young people are the future of Cars and Coffee, and you are probably right, but here is the key difference: The future Cars and Coffee will be held somewhere else with those younger owners bringing their tuner cars and late-model budget flyers to a show that they provide the land and organization for. The show at PAG will continue to be what John and Freeman want it to be. The pre-’78 rule they put in place might seem like a bad idea to you and it will certainly make some late-model supercar owners upset too, but it is their show and they can invite whoever they want to into it. My guess is that there will still be an incredible showing every Saturday morning.

    This is the biggest crock of crap that I have ever heard of in my life! I have been coming to cars and coffee for a while now and I love the see both sides of the fence when it comes to cars. I like a little old school, a little vintage, a little new school, and a little super cars! I think that it is just ridiculous that this is even being discussed! You can skate around the facts all you want but I heard it myself from several old timers… they are “pissed off that they wake up later and cannot find a space to park!” Separating the crowd is nothing but discrimination! Everyone is complaining about the S2000’s well if is your show why didn’t you just go over there and tell them they could keep 10 cars in and the rest would have to park outside. Very simple fix. I remember sitting there in a spot and you folks walking right up to us and making us move because you wanted to park two ratty ass corvettes sideways and take up 7 spots! Did we complain??? hell no we just moved and tried to keep the peace! There was absolutely nothing special about those cars at all! Oh they had big hp engines big deal but the point is you still did what you wanted to do! I have read every post you made in this thread and you sugar coat a lot of things where as you just need to keep it real! What sucks about this whole turnout is that I can walk through that S2000 and NSX crowd and tell the difference between every car and you can’t! Now if you parked two vintage Jaguars next to each other I am sure that you could tell me the differences between the two and I would not have a clue! That is the beauty of merging old with new. EVERYBODY learns!

    This thing about if you see it in a parking lot at work don’t bring it here! That is also a crock of crap because I see a lot of nice cars at work and all of them are worthy of showing up!

    This thing keeps getting referred to as a show…WTF!!! I thought that this was cars and coffee!!! you get a bunch of car guys and girls show up with your ride now matter what it is and have some coffee shoot the crap for a while and then get home before your wife wakes up with the honey do list! That is what this should be all about.

    All of you people that burnout when leaving are dumbasses! For the love of jesus STOP!!!!!

    Making this pre 1978 is doing nothing but discriminating! It always seem like the older guys have it out for the newer stuff! Yet when you go to the newer events you are often welcome with open arms!

    I will get off my soap box in a minute!

    I was just going through a bunch of my video for the sole purpose of counting cars like this and I can tell you that you can reserve the corrall and maybe the auxillary parking and fit everyone just fine!

    If people get up early they should be allowed to park inside. All of you newer car haters should take more time to learn what you are looking at before you pass judgement! Many of you walk past these cars and turn your noses up and don’t even know what you are looking at! I will say the same for people that have problems with muscle cars or other vintage cars. Take the time to know what you are looking at before you pass judgement!

    Do not and I repeat do not look for another location to shove the rest of the crowd off to! Just make them park outside and eventually they will all flip you the bird and and just stop coming and you will get your way after all!

    I for one do own a vintage pre 78 car…Am I going to bring it??? hell no!!! Not if I cannot see some Feraris, porsches, Lambo’s, old school mustangs, Newer M3’s, GTR’s etc!!! It is a total waste of my time. Especially how far I have to drive to get there! I takes me an hour to get there and now I am going to penalized because the car I decided to drive that day was not a pre 78???

    What are you going to do to poor old Ed that gets there at 0430 every week and decides to bring his non pre 78 truck and park it there??? you gonna kick him out too??? That is just a shame!

    Hey 4 cam v8 Since we have been kicked out lets just look for somewhere to meet and have breakfast that is somewhere in the middle between you and me and we will reminice about the good old days. I just won’t have to get up at 0415 on Saturdays anymore! Let do it around 0730 0800! call me kid!

    I am off of my soap box now!

    Well its been real! I hope your show dwindles down to the 30 people you really want there to begin with. Regardless of who is in charge just make sure you put signs up designating where there “colored” restrooms and water fountains are!


    350zeeeee;14790 wrote:
    Trust me, if this whole “pre-1978 Only” rule actually begins to apply…. Good luck finding spectators. We live in 2009, the majority of spectators do not want to see that

    Where do you get off saying most people do not want to see pre 1978 ?

    I found when I got fixated on a Sunbeam Tiger I got very frustrated. I loved the car I was focused on finding a car, but there was no place to go look at them. No place at all, except if there was a Brit car show that weekend, and maybe a Tiger would show up, but most months there are no Brit car shows and at many Brit car shows no Tigers.

    I think the majority of car guys would love seeing classics they can’t see anyplace else. If you want to see WRX and 335’s and S2000 go to a damn dealer lot. Not very hard.



    @BMF 14772 wrote:

    What I don’t understand is how just 3 days ago Freeman said the following on Fchat:

    Well I guess no more Carrera GT’s, Bugattis, Lambos, Ferraris or anything else. Since those are neither pre-1978 or “special classic automobiles.” And what about all the motorcycles? Ducatis, Hyabusas and the like? That’s a shame.

    What I don’t understand is how there is anything but 100% support for John and Freeman from the people on this site. They created Cars and Coffee as a way to continue the show that used to be held at Crystal Cove. When you guys created this site it became a central gathering place and information depot for the show. This is not the place where decisions are made about the show, it is where people can discuss their experiences and give their thoughts about the event. It can also be used to help spread the word when John and Freeman have something to say about their show and its future. They have asked for the show to return to its roots. If that means certain people or certain types of cars are not allowed into the show lot, so be it. If those people were really coming just to experience the cool cars and great people that are at the show every week, they should have no problem parking in the spectator lot and walking into the show area. If those same people would prefer not to come because they don’t like the type of cars John and Freeman have requested for the show lot, so be it. There are other options, other shows, other parking lots to meet at. People are free to stop coming or to start their own show somewhere else. I know it won’t be easy finding a free venue that doesn’t have some sort of restrictions on times or noise or crowd size, but I’m sure someone will be able to figure it out. This rumored new show at the Fairgrounds might be a good option. Maybe Cars and Coffee OC Fairgrounds will be a post-’78-only show that addresses the needs of the people who feel left out by the new policies at PAG. Whatever lies in store for this forum and this show, Freeman and John deserve a tremendous amount of gratitude and respect. They are trying to keep Cars and Coffee going as they originally intended it. Some people might be disappointed by the lack of diversity or the lack of the latest hot cars and bikes, but nobody should blame John and Freeman for ruining this show. Others have been tearing the show down, piece by piece, through their actions or inactions regarding the show’s policies. I would think that anyone who is a part of this site would do everything they could to support the show and see to it that Cars and Coffee continues no matter what. If that means starting a splinter show, do it. Just don’t try to destroy the best show around.


    @threepointo 14799 wrote:

    This is the biggest crock of crap that I have ever heard of in my life!

    You, my friend, have a lot of living to do yet if that is really true, but you do make some interesting points. I’m not sure where you got some of your impressions about my views, but I’ll say it again, I prefer a diverse show too. I know a lot of the older guys can’t stand the newer cars or the kids that drive them. I also know that a lot of the younger people that come to the show don’t appreciate the older cars or their drivers all the time. Regardless, I also know that the problems the show is experiencing are coming from the car clubs and forums that are bringing large groups of mostly late-model cars. The two people responsible for this show and the Cars and Coffee concept are asking that changes be made so the show gets back to its roots. They are asking that if you drive a post-’78 vehicle to Cars and Coffee, you park it in the spectator lot. The show lot will be reserved for interesting pre-’78 vehicles. It might offend you that this simple meet is being discussed in such a way, but these are the rules that have had to be implemented as a result of recent events culminating in today’s show of S2000s and other late-model cars that took up way too much real estate. Those groups were told not to show up but decided to anyway. Do you think they deserve to come back? Do you really think anybody will miss them if they decide not to return? I have a friend with one of the nicest S2000s in the country and I love his car almost as much as he does. He parked his in the spectator lot today because he was ashamed of what the other owners did. Discrimination is a big word and the suggestion of racism is borderline defamatory, but again, it is their show and they can allow or disallow whomever they please. This is not a public meeting place, it is private property being offered for our use through no small sacrifice on the part of two of the company’s employees. This is not a democracy. That might sound harsh, but that’s the message.



    frank4cars;14803 wrote:
    You, my friend, have a lot of living to do yet if that is really true, but you do make some interesting points. I’m not sure where you got some of your impressions about my views, but I’ll say it again, I prefer a diverse show too. I know a lot of the older guys can’t stand the newer cars or the kids that drive them. I also know that a lot of the younger people that come to the show don’t appreciate the older cars or their drivers all the time. Regardless, I also know that the problems the show is experiencing are coming from the car clubs and forums that are bringing large groups of mostly late-model cars. The two people responsible for this show and the Cars and Coffee concept are asking that changes be made so the show gets back to its roots. They are asking that if you drive a post-’78 vehicle to Cars and Coffee, you park it in the spectator lot. The show lot will be reserved for interesting pre-’78 vehicles. It might offend you that this simple meet is being discussed in such a way, but these are the rules that have had to be implemented as a result of recent events culminating in today’s show of S2000s and other late-model cars that took up way too much real estate. Those groups were told not to show up but decided to anyway. Do you think they deserve to come back? Do you really think anybody will miss them if they decide not to return? I have a friend with one of the nicest S2000s in the country and I love his car almost as much as he does. He parked his in the spectator lot today because he was ashamed of what the other owners did. Discrimination is a big word and the suggestion of racism is borderline defamatory, but again, it is their show and they can allow or disallow whomever they please. This is not a public meeting place, it is private property being offered for our use through no small sacrifice on the part of two of the company’s employees. This is not a democracy. That might sound harsh, but that’s the message.

    i agree with you..somewhat..but i also do not understand why we won’t be seeing any exotic cars anymore at c&c because there was a large group of unwanted s2000’s that showed up today..what did the exotic cars do? when i went to c&c for the first time, i thought i was having a dream..all the ford gt’s, lambos, ferraris, etc…i know they have the power to take that all away..but they shouldn’t..because seeing rare exotics is the funnest part of c&c in a lot of spectators’ opinions..i am nearly depressed with this new regulation..unless hundreds of classic ferraris show up..which will most probably not be the case..i’ve talked to a lot of people over at c&c..and all i here them talk about are the exotic cars..i hope this is all a joke and that next week there will be a plethora of supercars..lololol

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