Side Lot, May 24th

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    Hi, I am running a pretty decent sized convoy up from san diego/oc, and am wondering if the side lot will be open on the 24th. We would all really like to line up there, but i have only seen this part open up twice.

    It will be mainly euro cars, some tuned VW’s from Socal Euro, BMWs, and potentially an new exotic or two.

    We want to be visible, but not occupy the spots of cars more deserving than ours (a Carrera GT shouldnt have to cruise round’ and round’ to get a spot!).


    The side lot is open only when a huge turn-out occurs and the Ford execs make that call. I would plan on getting there at 6:00 and park together in the main lot.


    @sideache 3450 wrote:

    The side lot is open only when a huge turn-out occurs and the Ford execs make that call. I would plan on getting there at 6:00 and park together in the main lot.

    Ok thanks, we will probably just all line up in the spectator lot, then those who deem themselves worthy of display will just roll over to the appropriate lot.



    I was talking to Brandon about this. I suggested that you guys just get there early and find a row of empty spaces and just line up there.


    @Phiberglass 3452 wrote:


    I was talking to Brandon about this. I suggested that you guys just get there early and find a row of empty spaces and just line up there.

    We will get there at around 6:20 and take our lined up photo in the spectator lot, then we are rolling the “show worthy” cars over into the C/C display lot. I dont wanna flood the exhibitor parking.

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