Photogs and their models….@Cars and Coffee Dallas…Warning

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    While this trend has started to grow and Classic has allowed photographers and their models to shoot during the show—certain behaviors have forced us to make an announcement.

    If you are a photographer and you desire to bring models to the show to shoot—you must contact John Kobell at least 24 hours in advance. You will need to discuss your intentions and you will be expected to adhere to a standard of conduct that is respectful of those that are participating in the show.

    Call John Kobell@2147782601.


    Eric Maas. President, Classic BMW


    Just saw this and was curious about what is up before contacting them. Anyone know of any know of any complaints? I could invision some problems if touched at car without asking, or damaged one.

    I have shot with models at the Austin event for a while, but it was always a touchy thing with some owners, so you just thank them for their consideration and move on. Wanted to drive up to the next Dallas event, but not if photographers are creating a problem with models.


    Below is the code of ettiquite that Austin photogs are passing around for car shows/Cars and Coffee. We are trying to be proactive. Maybe this will help in Dallas.

    Ask first! Mostowners don’t mind photos of their cars, but sometimes putting a model in frontof them is a different story. They seeit as a distraction to their car!

    Don’t touch! Never touch car without asking. Even if have permission you should make surenothing scratches, damages the car, or gets them dirty. Owners spend hours maintaining their car,even fingerprints on paint are a hassle. Hair on the interior fabric is not cool.

    Avoid License Plates! Avoid shooting, or blur them out in photo, any license platenumbers. Some of these cars are classic,one of a kind, or might be an owners biggest investment. With the internet, anyone can take a licenseplate number and track down an address. Don’t make the cars targets.

    No dirt! If a modelis inside a car, make sure their clothes and shoes are clean.

    No Equipment! Leavethe scrims, reflectors, portable flash units, and props at home. Remember, this is about the cars andit is not your personal photography set.

    Never sell! Neversell pictures from the events.

    Don’t interfere! Don’t let your model or your photographyblock other attendees. Everyone is thereto see the cars, not your model or your behind as you are bent over to takepictures.

    Offer pictures! Offerpictures to the owners. Don’t do thefirst one is free and you pay for the rest!

    Family Friendly! Remember car shows are family friendly. Glamour photography, short shorts, bikinis, and overflowing tops are inbad taste for family friendly events.

    Remember the Coffee! Support the event with your donation!!!!

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