Last show for 2010

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    Well the season is over for us. thanks to all of you for your support this year- we had a steady increase in the number of cars attending each week. Sorry the last show was made difficult to get to as the Mall management neglected to tell us they were runnig a foot race around the Mall. Next year we are interested in improving your experience with cars and coffee so if you have any suggestions please use the forum to let us know. Dont know the start dates for next year yet but will publish them on this website when we firm them up. Special thanks to jeff behind the lens for posting all the great pictures each week.



    Hi chris

    what happened to you in the last race. One min you were diceing with the bmw & the two honda kit cars then you were gone it looked to me like a good battle was going on between you & the bmw

    see you next season

    regards mark


    Well guys and girls,
    As a first year Cars and Coffee attendant, I must say I loved the show. Even though I was only able to make it up a few times from Colorado Springs, I met some really great people and saw some amazing cars. I was really dissapointed when the show lost it’s location (twice), but that happens. We adapt and move on.

    I cannot wait for next year- hoping to make it up quite a few more times! Thanks for the memorable weekends!

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