Looks like we will get good weather on the upcoming weekend unlike last weekend. So lets get everybody out and have some fun.
Some key dates coming up-1st we have contacted van jefferies and have a tenative date for Aug 29 for him to do his show at our location. For those of you who don”t recognize the name van is the DJ who does the golden cruise. Next we have a cruise date of july 12(sun) for those of you who signed up with me a few weeks back. This cruise will be of the “h” variety if you remember the questions i asked you when you indicated your interest. Pleases see me at the Saturday 27 meet to affirm your interest and get the specifics of where we will meet. This cruise will most likely be a half day event with a stop for lunch along the way.
We have been in touch with a lot of different clubs and several car events over the last two weeks so we are expecting a larger turnout over the next few meets.