July 7th Show

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  • #128320

    I was down visiting (from Colorado) my brother in Frisco and we went to this show, and I was truly amazed at the turn out and then to find out that we showed up around 10 and missed a ton of cars! It was a great experience!!

    But the main reason for this post is because there was a Mini Cooper Pickup there and I was kind of talking to the owner about wanting one and he got busy with a phone call but as I walked off he mentioned a website that I could go to to get more info on how to aquirre one. So I was wondering if the owner was on here or if anyone knows him because I forgot the website before I got to the truck because my “car A.D.D.” was in full force! LOL!!

    Here is a few pics of it…



    Ok not sure how to get the pics to work so here’s links….

    So if anyone can help that would be awesome!


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