Charlotte Area Cars and Coffee – Cancelled Indefinitely!

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    Charlotte Areas Cars and Coffee Event- Cancelled Indefinitely

    Silly me, I thought I could help foster and grow the car crazed culture that is present here in Charlotte, but the immature actions by what was at first a select few but now what is adopted to many has ended our Cars and Coffee event indefinitely. Cars and Coffee Charlotte is no more!

    I have run the range in the last 24 hrs of extreme anger and sadness because six plus years of hard work and effort is going down the drain. I can’t tell you the countless hours, money and effort that was put in to build something wonderful from the ground up for the Car Culture in Charlotte to be ruined by a few that use their head as only a mere hatrack!

    I have tried it all from posting the rules numerous times, hanging up signage, creating a police presence, getting others to help spread the word but nothing seems to help. I love cars and the people that love cars but under the current circumstances someone is going to get hurt or killed and I can’t have that on my watch. I hate to see something that I have been working so hard to create come to an end but before someone gets seriously injured or killed I’m done! Sometimes you don’t know how good you have it until it is gone and I believe Charlotte will realize this in a short time. The time, effort and great expense that this has taken was done out of pure joy for cars and those that surround them but it is getting too taxing and too dangerous to really enjoy

    I’m am very grateful for Mattie’s and the NC Music Factory’s hospitality over the years but as you can see, no good deed goes unpunished and there is no reason that their businesses should not be jeopardized for some of our foolishness. Not only are the actions of a select few going to ruin it for those that behaved themselves and really enjoyed the event but it is going to hurt some small business owners as well.

    I’m very grateful for the experiences that Cars and Coffee has given me and for the great friends that I have made out of it but all good things must come to an end and Cars and Coffee Charlotte is no more!

    Best wishes,



    Its very sad to see the completely reckless and idiotic behavior of a few ruin it for the many good people who took part of these meets, though it is perfectly understandable. As with the northlake location this has slowly spiraled out of hand thanks to numerous idiots with something to prove. This select bunch of people ruined one of the most perfect locations a meet like this could be held in Charlotte. I enjoyed attending every one of the meets I could make it out to and will be very sad to see it go…

    thanks for all the hard work you put in, your efforts are greatly appreciated.


    Thanks for everything you’ve done over the years Michael, sad day hopefully the scene will learn and grow and we can have nice things one day.


    I am deeply saddened by this. This is the only car meet I go to anymore as I can bring my family. I really don’t enjoy sketchy night meets anymore.

    Kaylee Tomas

    Michael – I along with the rest of the Carolina Z Club have thoroughly enjoyed the monthly cars and coffee meets. I’d like to offer our help in salvaging the event of you’ll allow it. Could you let me know the best way to contact you to discuss this further?

    Thank you,


    Michael, thanks for your efforts. I started attending about a year ago, and I really looked forward to it every month, sad to see it end like this. Just know, that many of us appreciated the event, and we hope that it will some day return.


    Banning the individual responsible would be an approach without having to dump all of your hard work. I’m sure the hundreds who appreciate being there and act accordingly can far outweigh one incident off site.


    hey I don’t know if you guys are looking at a new way to get Cars and Coffee back up and running again, but a suggestion would be to set it up similarly to how UNCC has set up their Tuesday night meets. They had the same problem, so to get rid of people who were putting the shows at risk, they set up a system so that everyone must register their car and while going through the entrance they were signed in. If you haven’t registered you car, you don’t get it, and if you do a burn out or something similar, you get taken off the list and do not get put back on. Just an idea. I always loved going to Cars and Coffee and its going to be very sad if it does not start up again.


    You’ve done a great job getting this up and going through the years…a true success. But there’s no law that says we can’t continue to go to Mattie’s for breakfast every first Saturday of the month. If everyone wants to join us and continue seeing each other at that particular time, so be it.

    Let C&C continue on, on its own….


    I’d like to help and may have a solution to the termination of Cars & Coffee. I’d like to discuss this with you offline, so please contact me at RK Motors Charlotte. I’m the marketing director and can be reached at 704-596-5211. Thank you and I look forward to speaking with you soon.

    Jeff Spiegel

    Rick C

    @RKMC5527 86941 wrote:

    I’d like to help and may have a solution to the termination of Cars & Coffee. I’d like to discuss this with you offline, so please contact me at RK Motors Charlotte. I’m the marketing director and can be reached at 704-596-5211. Thank you and I look forward to speaking with you soon.

    Jeff Spiegel

    Hey Jeff! Great group of guys you have there at RKM. I had the pleasure of meeting Don Berard a few months back. Was nice to meet another New England transplant in CLT 😉

    Michael, sorry to hear this happened. There’s a solution out there though.


    So are we working on re-instating?


    Michael I have a perfect spot. 180,000 Sqf. Of man cave garages in Hyde park in Cornelius. It could be just like the motor plex cars and coffee up north. Call me I own innovative Speed Shop lake Normans premier detail shop. We do high end paint corrections. I would sponsor the event if need be. We have the area to hold more cars than any venue around. It’s also gated and would help in control of the bad people that want to ruin such a great event 704-941-9909 Neal.


    Many of us are still going to Matties on the first Saturday of each month. Please join us… Maybe have something in Cornelius on another weekend? Also, there needs to be a coffee shop/diner there, someplace more than just cold coffee and danishes or something.


    @naro914 87088 wrote:

    Many of us are still going to Matties on the first Saturday of each month. Please join us… Maybe have something in Cornelius on another weekend? Also, there needs to be a coffee shop/diner there, someplace more than just cold coffee and danishes or something.

    , Brooklyn South Pizzeria is in the same complex to us (Waterbean Coffee) so we can have lunch right after the event. So this would be perfect. As for the date we can work on that.



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