august 15th event

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    We have been contacted by Motorsports Media group/Race Central TV/Radio to participate in there annual car show on Sept 12th in Thronton. The show is from 9-1 and overlaps our show. They would like us to join them and bring as many cars from our event as possible. There will be NFL cheerleaders, Playboy”s Girl of the Big 12 feature addition, Wine tasting and prizes for winning vehicles. I will have the registration forms at our show this Saturday the 15th for you-Its free but again we need a hard commit for at least 40 cars to reserve space. The plan would be to leave from our parking lot between 9-9:30 and caravan up. Those who wish to stay with our show are welcome to do so.

    Those of you who read last weeks post recall i was trying to get the 426ss Camero out plus the ZR-1 corvette. I was successful with the Camero (a really great looking one came) but not the ZR-1. I did talk to a person who had one but was not interested in coming. So, if anyone knows someone with one let me know or talk to them yourself to see if we can convince to come-I’ll buy breakfast at the paradise cafe for the 1st person who gets a ZR-1 here.

    We still haven”t broken our 100 car goal yet so talk to all your friends and lets see if we can do it this weekend.



    Can’t bring a fancy car, but I’ll clean my lenses and bring an extra camera body! Sounds like fun.



    Can’t bring a fancy car, but I’ll clean my lenses and bring an extra camera body! Sounds like fun.



    I presume you would like the new ZR-1? Would you also like possibly the 1990ish ZR-1??

    I know a gentleman that just had his delivered about 3 weeks ago that is a member in the Looking Glass Corvette group here in Denver. I will try to contact him and see if he would be whiling to bring it up to the show.


    I presume you would like the new ZR-1? Would you also like possibly the 1990ish ZR-1??

    I know a gentleman that just had his delivered about 3 weeks ago that is a member in the Looking Glass Corvette group here in Denver. I will try to contact him and see if he would be whiling to bring it up to the show.


    S4, would love to have both years. Please let me know if you think they will come. thanks.



    S4, would love to have both years. Please let me know if you think they will come. thanks.


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