Re: Some perspective on Cars and Coffee


Mia culpa. My name is Steve aka “YellowHaze”. I’m an NSX owner and the guy who planned, coordinated, and obtained approval from John for having a marque event for the NSX guys- NSX Prime. Hello all!

Some interesting points were brought up in this thread. Frankly, I can appreciate most of them. I, too, walk past the 10th Nissan GTR in favor of the vintage Pantera. However, who’s to say what is interesting and what is not? Some favor the 1950’s era cars. I prefer performance sports cars. Tis what makes the world go round and why this event is so special. Guess you can tell I prefer the “open, anything goes” rules.

We will have a large NSX turnout. Our designated lot is the corral area plus most of the Mazda lot, a parking area not typically used for C&C. John made special arrangements for our group, which I think is a nice compromise. When our group size grew large, I was concerned about taking up too much of the usual show lot space.

The two best things about the C&C phenomenon are (1) the cars and (2) being among car enthusiasts and making new friends. I enjoy both equally. Tomorrow should be a particularly busy day and fun for all. The success of C&C will hopefully not be its demise.

Respectfully submitted,