Re: Some perspective on Cars and Coffee


So it should be something closer to:

“Cars and Coffee™ is a weekly Saturday morning gathering in Irvine, California where hundreds of proud drivers congregate to kick tires and have a cup of coffee. There is something for everyone to enjoy; classics. And it’s all free, minus the coffee of course.

If you are located in Southern California, or are visiting the area, you may want to make it a point to stop by. If you are from outside of the area, then park your-self right here, join the forum and experience the event via the Internet. Only people with classic cars are welcome and invited to participate. Exhaust fumes not included. This site is a place to revisit the cars that inspired us and see the ones we missed.

Remember, if you are in the area, stop by on a Saturday morning from 7:00am to 9:00am. There is lots of parking, but sometimes fills up fast! No speed bumps, 400 spaces for exhibit, a reserved area for motorcycles plus ample spectator parking. Then stop by the forum and share your stories, photos, experiences, and most importantly – your classic ride.”

I’ve been to C&C a few times and I’ve been a lurker here for a while. This thread bothers me for a few things.
1) Someone here made the point that it bothered them that C&C was being referred to as a “show.” More specifically, that it was being referred to as “their” show, “their” being the organizers. I believe that this is more than anything a bastardization of what C&C is really all about, even more so than all the “Macy’s” cars that show up every week. C&C is about meeting a variety of people and seeing a variety of cars and having fun. It’s not some catwalk, not some spectacle. The importance of nice cars is paramount sure but even more important is that there are a wide variety of people there to enjoy the cars.
2) People here who say they don’t understand why we don’t have 100% support for the show’s organizers. This is a forum for voicing opinions and naturally you are going to get people who are speaking out against the organizers, especially since C&C is, once again, not “their show” (or at least it shouldn’t be) but a meet of a variety of people with their cars. The people who come and show their cars every week should have a say how the event is run too because without them, there would be no event. Or “show.”
3) This sentiment has been voiced several times but what is C&C without late model exotic cars? As far as I can tell the VAST majority of people on this forum go to C&C because of the late model exotics, because of the new hotness. I mean, look at how many people were pumped for NSX Day. Taking a look at the pictures people like to take at C&C, a large majority are of later model vehicles. These are the vehicles people find more interesting. And though I enjoy classic cars and modern vehicles all the same, there are an equal amount of classic car owners who don’t appreciate newer model vehicles as there are newer model vehicle owners who appreciate older vehicles (probably more).

I totally agree about the S2K debacle and the rising amounts of frankly uninteresting vehicles that have been showing up to C&C recently. However, there are MILLIONS of better ways to keep them from showing up than to get rid of ALL 1978 and above vehicles. The old vehicles are interesting for sure but with this decision Cars and Coffee has been turned from an informal gathering of a variety of car enthusiasts to an elitist “show” for classic car collectors.