@RADriver 67574 wrote:
The event can lose “21 exotics” and still have tons of cars and make tons of money for the charity (let’s remember what the event is really for). The event cannot lose 200 domestics and who knows how many other makes. The event would collapse. Because in that instance, there’d be too few cars to worry about and only a small group of people would show up.
The event can lose 21 exotics? If that happened, car owners wouldn’t come to display their cars, because they (like the majority of people who go to this) want to see those exotics and other unusual stuff. That in turn would cause spectators to decline. Then, you have one big lot full of domestics. At that point, the only people who will be at that show are those domestic owners. After that, those owners will slowly disperse to different places (Chevy owners to one place, Mustang owners to another) because they want to be “exclusive” and go to a place where only their cars are present; not having 3 makes of car in one lot. Then, you’ll just have an empty lot with Classic’s inventory.
If 200 domestics left the show, most people would be happy. Why? Because they overrun the show as it is. Face it, people don’t want to see the same cars on every single aisle; the only thing changing is the color, or rims, or whatever. Like I and many others have stated, we go to Cars and Coffee to see UNCOMMON and UNUSUAL. Not 3-4 whole rows of the same car. I don’t know if you know, but the spectator numbers are already declining rapidly because of that. I even showed you proof, which you still denied.
The “undeniable” has been denied. I’m sorry that 99 percent of people have this same view. Again, sucks to be part of the 1 percent doesn’t it?
Like rasetsu said:
The less variety, the less spectators there will be and the less money will be raised for the charity of the month. It is the best interest of nearly all to have as much variety as possible.
It seems you can’t face the truth.