^^ Well said. After reading the comments here and those from other forums, I think C&C should leave everything as is except for two changes. Direct cars into their designated areas a little better but of course have some flexibility for over flow. Carve out 5 spots in the modern muscle section and reserve them until 10am in the event some truly awesome/unique car(s) show up regardless of make/model. I think most of us can make a spot decision as to whether a car is worthy. Leave the exotic row alone. They already have 20 spots reserved and honestly, if they can’t get there by 9, then they can go park in the spectator lot with all the other late comers. The event does not need more than 20-30 exotics just like how it doesn’t need 50 modern Mustangs.
If the plan is truly to keep the gates closed until 8:30 or whatever except for those with passes, it will be a total cluster f fail.