Re: Really need your honest opinion…What do you like/dislike about the dallas show?


@Kbandit 67305 wrote:

I dont agree with the pompass a$$e$with high end cars complaining the cant get a spot because they wanted to get their beauty sleep and drink their over priced starbucks before they come. I also dont want,it rubbed in my face that I am a young car enthusiast of 32 & cant afford a Lingenfelter or lambo. I go to see cars that I like which are everydat factort hot rods and classics. I am tired of the Lambo, Ferrari, Vette, ect supposed high end cars. A car show is for getting ideas fir your ride and being around people with your hobby. And before the vette guys jump in I have had two vettes. One was heavily modified and would have been allowed in but I wanted a more user fruendly car and got turned away,this weejend when I got there before 7:30. Due to this elitist attitude c&c which I havw always been an advocate fir and invited friends from other cities to go to, posted about on other boards, ect left a bad taste in my mouth. I agree first come first serve. You all forget that those with mustangs, camaros, hondas, suburus, ect low end cars are the future of this hobby and without them this will not last.

Maybe you should consider that the “pompass a$$e$ with the high end cars” get 21 spots reserved for them. 21. Count them yourself.

All the rest are for the “mustangs, camaros, hondas, suburus, ect low end cars (that) are the future of this hobby.” And every car guy I know has ALWAYS been a car guy, it has nothing to do with age.

Here’s a link for you to count spaces. The Italian row is the furthest North against the grass. 21 spaces. My guess is your tally for all the other cars is going to be in the 100’s.,+TX&hl=en&ll=33.066873,-96.823137&spn=0.00116,0.001714&sll=32.891677,-96.947753&sspn=0.133189,0.2005&t=h&hnear=Plano,+Collin,+Texas&z=19