@SolidRed 75288 wrote:
Honest question…are you always an elitist douche?
Not at all. I am quite humble but I am a straight shooter and like to tell it like it is. We all know what CnC is for and why people wake up early to either exhibit or spectate at the event. So, what purpose is served by taking up a ton of space with cars that don’t fit the purpose of the event, when we all know parking is very limited as is?
I don’t think anyone would go to a medieval sword or Samurai sword collector’s specialty show and try to take up a ton of space showing off his $5 Buck knives either, right? It just doesn’t fit the purpose of the event. Whatever spaces are taken up by those cars would mean the same amount of cars meant for exhibit has to be kicked out. Does that really serve the purpose of the event?
In conclusion, as this is your first post, are you always an idiot who just jumps in on the first post without finding out what you are actually talking about?