Re: Last show for 2009


@Cole 35010 wrote:

There are other “cars and coffee” type events still going on around the city.

Lots of motor sports that carry on through the winter around here, just not this one.

Wonder if it will survive next year after people get used to going to other events?

When the first snow flys, I put my cars up and cancel the insurance. I’m a sissy when it comes to gravel and paint.

Next year should be even better for us than this past season. Jim and I learned a lot and will work hard to get more publicity and more cars.

We are working with Southlands Mall to co-ordinate some car shows with their concert series. Once the details are worked out, we will post it on the forum. Their will be some Friday night events to go along with the Saturday morning shows.

If anyone has any suggestions on things they think would help us in promoting Cars and Coffee, please send me or Flyby, a PM.

