Re: Cars for Shoots


Im not sure about the sedan right now

I am looking to do something in particular

Im helping a design student at Art Center with a project

This is the project in her words

im basing a project around photographic images and how certain photos with certain moods can be layered upon each other
looking at the form that the subject of the pictures creates and then using the color palette as well
then from there the abstracted form taken from the images is going to be used to develop a design form language based on the mood, theme, etc
then i have another one where
its a self branding part
where i have to use images colors and anything else to express myself
so far stylistically ive been using a desaturated color palette for my renderings
so im going to use the same idea for the colors and mood in the photographs

4 different looks
2 cool colors – some teal and blues, darks for one and desaturated lime green and lights for the other
2 warm colors – ambers, oranges, dark reds for one mustard yellow, and some other yellow tones for the other

She is basically looking for images for an image board to her project

She is looking for 2 cars for the shoot
One warm and one cool

Im looking for older 911s or roadsters
Nothing too bog

We will be in the Pasadena area and looking for an area to shoot
perhaps some roadside with a field
I am however open to the OC area

We are looking to shoot sometime next week

If you are interested in being a part of this, please let me know asap
Here are some images the student shared with me as reference

Im open to more that just field locations
