@fly-by 36089 wrote:
The schedule for 2010 will start on April 17 and end on the last weekend in Sept.We decided to start two weeks later than last year as the first 8 weeks were rain or snow challenged. In addition, we will be combining some friday night shows with concerts that southland will be running on these dates-July 2,9,16, 23, 30, and August 6, 13, 20, 27. Also their will be a fathers day event which is yet to be determined. The time for the Saturday show will be the same-9-12. The Friday night shows times will be posted at a later date. The Music will be in the form of live bands and each event will be a different music theme. Parking will be in the commons area of the Mall and it will be blocked off for our cars. I will update this web site periodically so check in every so often for new updates.
sounds good.
we all are waiting for it desperately