Car Crash at Cars and Coffee: 4-3-2010

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    A lot of us saw the crash at today’s cars and coffee and asked that guy to post in online. Well, he posted it. Here is the link:


    I feel bad for the guy… cought up in the exciement, gets loose and doesn’t have the skills to correct it. Plus everyone on the curb was elated that it happened. I know stupidity is sometimes funny but a little compassion for the guy especially since he has to expain this to his wife.

    Not for me.


    @Rickgig 40013 wrote:

    I feel bad for the guy… cought up in the exciement, gets loose and doesn’t have the skills to correct it. Plus everyone on the curb was elated that it happened. I know stupidity is sometimes funny but a little compassion for the guy especially since he has to expain this to his wife.

    Not for me.

    You are right. The crowd went wild.


    it was a very good day out at Cars and Coffee… Yeah that crash was pretty wild. Really got the heart beating.I think whatever cars people want to show off should be a Cars And Coffee Dallas. But no Ford Pintos or Deawoo


    @ kartinkent: I’m with you as far as which cars should be at the event. Pretty much any cars people want to bring out, but yes, let’s please leave the Daewoo Lanos to the movie Pinapple Express and keep it away from Cars and Coffee, hahaha

    However, it would be kinda cool to see a Dawoo Lanos shell on a kit car that had an LS1 in it. It would take a lot of engineering to pull that off, but imagine that thing pulling up and smoking unsuspecting suckers 😉

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